It can be very hard to avoid germs. They can spread fast regardless of what all you might do to try and prevent them from spreading. Germs can cause the flu, colds or other sicknesses. They are on surfaces, doorknobs and even on shelves at the stores. According to the statistics from the National Center for Health around 22 million work days each year get lost due to the cold or flu. Most people already know some of the hot spots that germs tend to hang out in such as door handles but what are some other ways germs spread?

Check out these 10 Ways Germs Spread

10. Carts at the supermarket
I don’t know if you have thought about this before but the cart at the supermarket you just touched to get your food has been handled by hundreds of people throughout the week. Before you, someone else touched the cart and before them, someone else touched it. The potential for germs on carts at the supermarket is very high. A person might have coughed and touched the cart before cleaning their hands. One way to prevent the germs from spreading is by using antibacterial wipes that is now provided by a lot of stores. I highly recommend that you clean the handle of the cart before and after you are done.


9. Airplane back seats
When you’re walking down the airplane aisle you might touch the back of the seat on the airplane without even thinking about it. You could be putting your luggage up or even getting your pillow to sleep on and before you know it, you’ve touched the seat. What you might not even think about at that time is that there are lots of other people before you have possibly also touched the seat and therefore, germs can spread. Wash your hands after you get off the plane to prevent germs spreading.


8. Petting animals
Germs can spread fast whenever you pet animals. You can pet the animal and then touch a surface and spread the germs that the animal might have. Just like with the airplane seats, the best way to avoid spreading germs after petting animals is with just simply washing your hands and with cleaning any surfaces that you might have touched afterwards.

Petting dog

7. Germs spread at the office even when you’re the only one there
You might be the only one to use the computer at work or could even be the only one in the office for the most part but still, remember that germs can still spread and harbor up at work. Maybe you have decided to step outside for a break and talk with a friend, they sneeze and then you come back in. Germs instantly spread. One way to prevent germs from spreading is with using disinfecting wipes on the computer keyboard and other surfaces at least once a day.


6. The kitchen faucet
It doesn’t matter if it’s the kitchen faucet at your work or at home, germs spread fast on them. Any place where food is also prepared germs can spread. Cooks can touch raw meat and then they’ll need to touch the kitchen faucet. Afterwards, they might need to fix everyone’s drinks and touch the glasses then the faucet again. Wash your hands between handling the food, wipe down the kitchen faucet with antibacterial wipes and clean the surfaces each time you prepare a meal and before you start to cook.


5. Germs can spread on cell phones, laptops, tablets and other gadgets
Germs spread fast mainly on cell phones because you tend to touch that more often but they can also spread on laptops, tablets or other gadgets that you might use. Some researchers have discovered that a few cell phones could have fecal matter on them. Wiping down your cell phone gently can help to prevent the germs spreading but be sure that you use a special kit designed for cleaning phones and other gadgets to prevent liquid damage to your cell phone or gadget. You can generally find these at Wal-Mart, Best Buy and other local stores.


4. Bathroom hand dryers
Recent studies have confirmed that using hand dryers in the bathroom can spread germs and bacteria. The germs get trapped with the hand dryers and then when they come on they blow in the air and spread around in the bathroom. If you see paper towels next to the hand dryer then I recommend that you use the paper towel instead. Hand dryers can be found not only in stores but at hospitals, movie theaters and at work.


3. Germs can be on your laundry and clothes
A lot of people make the mistake with thinking their clothes must be germ free but sadly, they are not free from germs or bacteria. E coli bacteria can even be found on your clothes. Germs can even make their way to other clothes when you’re washing them. In order to avoid germs from spreading try and wash the clothes at above 60 Degrees Fahrenheit. Dry the clothes immediately when you’re done washing them to help with making sure that the germs don’t come back on the damp clothes.


2. Germs can be found on your remote control and on the TV
I don’t know about your house, but I do know here at my house the remote control gets handled a lot. Throughout the day people are always watching TV. Sometimes they need to move the TV screen when the sunlight comes in the room. Germs then spread from the remote control to the TV. It’s a good idea to wash your remote control and TV at least once a day. Washing your hands also will help to prevent germs from getting on them.


1. Germs on food condiments at home, fast food places and restaurants
Food condiments at home is something we tend to not always wash and they are also not washed as often as they should be at fast food places or restaurants and because they are used so often, they land the number one spot on this. You never know who touched the salt shaker before you at the restaurant. A gross thought is maybe they even used the bathroom then came back and touched the condiment with dirty hands. In order to avoid germs spreading rub the condiment bottle with a disinfected wipe or go to the bathroom and get a paper towel, wet it and then clean the condiment or maybe, just not use them.


Washing your hands is vital to help with making sure that you don’t spread germs. Keep bacterial wipes with you so that way you will always have them with you when needed.