If you’re a single guy and tired of being alone and wondering why you’re not married or dating just yet then there might be a reason as to why. You need to take a close look at yourself and figure out what it is about you that us women might not like and work on improving it. You might be totally handsome and rich but have a hard time with relationships and dating in general.

If this is you then check out these 10 Types of Men That Women Do Not Want To Marry and be honest with yourself when reading it.

10. Men who always want their space
A woman needs a man to show their love and concern. Giving her space is not the thing that you always need to do. There are times when some space is good but not all of the time and even when a woman might say they need some space right now, they don’t actually mean it. They want you to show how much you care for them and they need your support. Balance the two out with giving them some space but not always leaving them alone.



9. Unpredictable men and yet at the same time, being predictable all of the time
Women don’t like it when men become the extreme of either always being unpredictable or with either becoming predictable. This is another one that you need to learn how to balance properly and sometimes it can be tricky. However, the key to this is proper communication. See if she looks tired of doing the same thing over and over and might need a change or see if she’s tired of the unpredictable and work out something that she knows will happen each week.



8. Men who always complain about everything
When was the last time you stopped and showed appreciation for something that she did or thanked her? Have you really listened to yourself lately? When you’re talking do you say negative or positive things to her or do you find yourself complaining about the family, kids, money, food, job or even complaining about your social life. Just stop. Start becoming positive when talking to her and show more appreciation.



7. Men who lack confidence in what they do and always appear to be needy
Being needy is sometimes not always a bad thing but when you become needy all of the time, it can cause a problem. A confident man always assures the woman that everything will be fine and it’s a trait that’s also very attractive. When a man is confident then that man knows what he is worth plus he’s willing to also work very hard to get exactly what he wants. Confident men don’t cringe, complain or whine when there are signs of trouble. Instead, they work hard and get over it. A confident man is also a good sign to women that they will rule the house properly.



6. Men who always puts his needs and emotions first before considering hers
When was the last time you put your own emotions aside and looked at hers and helped her? I know that sometimes this might be hard to do especially when there’s a lot of stuff going on but it’s important in the relationship. Stop spending so much time with your friends and family. Go and do some things with her and make her feel important. When was the last time you took her out on a date?



5. Men who would rather be texting then be in the room with her
Texting and talking on the phone can be addictive. When was the last time you actually put those down and stayed in the room with her without those distractions? How do you think you would feel if she started to always text when you were trying to talk to her? Tell your friends that you need some alone time for awhile and go and spend some time with her. Turn the phone off if needed.



4. Men who always talk about their jobs
Men, us women know that your job is important but that’s not something that we want to hear 24/7. Trust me. I am sure that you must have hobbies that you like to do or even movies that you like to watch. Maybe talking about your job around the clock makes you feel important. However, it’s very boring to the people around you. Go see a movie and then talk about it with her if you’re not sure what else you can say.



3. Men who always show up late
Showing up late a couple of times is fine but when you’re always showing up late then that can become a problem. Start waking up early or either plan your day better to prevent yourself from showing up late. Set a reminder on your phone a few minutes early so that way it can help to prevent you from showing up late.



2. Men who lack a good sense of humor
Here’s another one that you’ll need to balance out. Having a good sense of humor all of the time is not needed but men who don’t have a good sense of humor at all can cause women to become depressed or down. Learn how to tell a few jokes at the right time. Work on your laugh and humor when no one is around. Sometimes you can be funny with just saying a couple of sentences and not even telling a joke.

Happy Couple


1. Men who always live or stay at their parents
Some men seem comfortable with always living with their parents and other men seem to be comfortable with visiting them around the clock and never leaving. Bumming out at your parents house in your 30’s or 40’s does not look cool. Sometimes it does not even look cool being there in your 20’s. Honey, want to come to my parents home for dinner tonight? Honey, want to have dinner at my parents home tomorrow night and so it continues. Get a job and make plans to move out and have your own apartment. Pay off your bills. It shows you’re taking some responsibility for your life and not always depending on your parents.



Talking with a therapist can also help you with discovering the traits and characteristics you might have in yourself that women don’t like. Don’t give up on finding the woman of your dreams but in the meantime, while you’re looking just continue to see how you can improve so that way when you do find her, dating will be easier for both of you.