There have been some strange medical treatments have helped a lot when others have failed miserably. A few medical treatments even turned out to be hoaxes. The treatments that have been successful still get used today, regardless of them being strange. Some medical treatments are so strange and bizarre that even though while they might have worked for a time they are discontinued later or banned in some places. Check out these 10 Bizarre Medical Treatments
10. Dead Mouse Paste – Ease toothache pain Back during the days of the ancient Egyptians whenever one of them would have toothache pain they would mash up a mouse, blend in some other ingredients, create a paste from it and then they would put it on their tooth to help with easing the pain. Interesting enough, a mashed mouse was also used to treat measles, the whooping cough and smallpox. I sure am glad that wean just go and pick up something over the counter to relieve tooth pain these days, the idea of having a crushed up mouse on my tooth gives me shivers. t
9. Snake Oil – Relieves joint pain Snake oil is actually a tradition used in Chinese medicine and in fact, it is still being used today. Snake oil was also brought to the USA by the laborers from China and proved that snake oil in many cases relieves joint pain. Simply just rub the snake oil on your joints that ache and hurt. Further studies show that snakes have a rich source of EPA which is eicosapentaenoic acid, which is a known Omega 3 fatty acid that has anti inflammatory properties in it.
8. Arsenic – Was thought to relieve Malaria Studies have proven that arsenic is now known as a very dangerous poison but in the past, it was one of the most popular Chinese medicines that was used to help with curing malaria. Interesting enough, the Victorian women also used arsenic for cosmetics. Arsenic was also used to help patients who had diabetes and with treating arthritis. It was mainly famous in the later part of the 18th century but it was also used all the way up to around the 1950’s. n
7. Ketchup – Was thought to relieve diarrhea Back in the 1830s a famous doctor, Dr. Archibald Miles had declared that tomatoes had a substance in them that could help with curing diarrhea. A lot of people trusted him and believed in it but later they found out that it was a hoax and that ketchup could not relieve diarrhea. He even called the compound “Dr. Miles compound of extract tomato” and people were shocked when they found out that it was a hoax. For a long time after, people still used ketchup thinking that it would help to cure diarrhea.
6. Molded Bread – Used to disinfect cuts Did you know that molded bread was used to help with disinfecting cuts? Molded bread was used as far back as the days of ancient Egypt. Louis Pasteur was the one who discovered that molded bread has fungi in it and that fungi helps with blocking bacteria and that idea helped with creating penicillin. Imagine how much pain some people would be in today if it wasn’t for penicillin. 5. Paraffin Wax – Injected paraffin helped to smooth wrinkles During the 19th century, injections of paraffin would be made to help with smoothing out wrinkles. Today, paraffin wax is still used but as a collagen and to help with rejuvenating faces. Some doctors had started to inject paraffin in women’s breast for augmentation but then later the treatment was stopped because it created paraffinomas , which happened to be painful and hard lumps.
4. Bee Venom – Reduces inflammation and arthritic pain If you get stung by a bee and having arthritic pain or inflammation, then you might notice the pain will go down or inflammation will be reduced. Patients who have severe pain will sometimes raise the bees themselves and then let one of the bees sting them so that way the venom is injected to help with reducing the pain. Some studies even show that bee venom can help with tendonitis and multiple sclerosis.
3. Mud – Helps with some skin conditions and bowel disorders A lot of people are familiar with the fact that people actually bathe in mud to help with improving their skin problems and conditions. Studies have proven that mud bath therapy can really help the skin a variety of ways. However, that’s not all mud does. Mud can be put on some pills as the coat and consumed in bigger doses to help people with bowel disorders. 2. Leach Therapy – Reduces blood coagulation Leach therapy was used a long time ago and now it’s starting to become popular again with microsurgery. Studies show that leach therapy can help with reducing blood coagulation and can help with reconstructive surgery because it stimulates circulation in the organs that have been reattached in the operation and can be critical to making sure that blood is flowing in the ears, fingers and eye lids. There have been complications from leach therapy such as bacterial infections and allergic reactions from it.
1. Farts in jars – Believed to cure the black plague of death because of the stink in the jar During the middle ages when the black death was happening some doctors felt that farting in a jar would help with fighting off the disease. The reason why they thought this was because the stink was therapeutic. Whenever some people would get sick people would tell them that they needed to open up the jar and smell it to help with fighting off the sickness. The plague ended up killing around 50 to 60 percent of the population in Europe. I guess farting in a jar and smelling the stink did not work. Conclusion Before undergoing any type of medical treatment, research it and see what other people have to say bout it. Make sure that it really works and that the medical treatment is not a hoax.