Many people have a hard time with being able to go after their dreams and pursue them. The main reason as to why is from not believing in themselves and lacking in self confidence. Making New Year resolutions, goals and new dreams is one thing but a lot of us tend to never finish them. What if you could finish the goals and dreams that you have? Start working on your self confidence and in time you’ll be able to complete those goals and dreams that you have in mind.

Check out these 10 Ways To Build Your Self Confidence Up In The New Year

10. Set small goals instead of big ones
Setting some big goals is fine but it can be overwhelming. Start setting goals that you know you can do then set a couple of big goals but never overwhelm yourself with lots of big goals without having small goals in between. You will start to feel better about yourself after you start to achieve the small goals and that will build up your confidence.


9. Stop complaining and focus on finding the solution
Complaining a lot can bring you down. It can cause you to become depressed and you’ll find yourself unable to complete the tasks. Complaining causes doubt and a lot of other problems that you might not even think about at the time. Focus on trying to find the solution to that problem instead of complaining about it. Let’s say you want to lose weight and cannot motivate yourself or maybe you find yourself not having any energy to do so – first step would be to stop making excuses, then to stop complaining and find the solution you need to help you with losing weight.


8. Work on changing small habits – one at a time
Changing your bad habits can be frustrating. Instead of working on changing your big habits first just focus on the small habits then build up to your big habits. It’s almost the same as to when you’re trying to set small goals but this time it’s focusing on your bad habits. If you’re trying to stop smoking then that’s not a small habit but let’s say you have a habit of always arriving late. Start changing this habit by just waking up a few minutes early each day. Once you’ve started to overcome your small habits you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel.


7. Stand tall and look confident
You might not believe this but your posture is very important. Standing up tall is important. Look confident with the task that’s at hand. Slouching makes you not only look bad but can cause you to feel lazy and not want to accomplish anything plus it’s bad for your health. You can practice sitting tall in your room then you can practice walking around standing tall. The more you practice it, the more you’ll get use to it and before you know it, you’ll find yourself never slouching again.


6. Speak slow instead of fast
Talking fast might not accomplish anything and not only that, it can leave you and everyone else in the room feeling confused. Get into the habit of speaking slowly and clearly. People in authority never speak fast. Instead, they tend to speak slowly because it shows that they are confident with what they are doing. People might even try to avoid talking with you if you speak fast.


5. Learn to become more generous, kind and think positive
Maybe you’re having a bad week or even a bad month. Go out of your way to be generous to others and show kindness to them. Think positive when you do it. Being kind and generous to others can make you feel so much better about yourself and at the same time, it can really help the other person in many different ways that you might not even see openly. Push aside your feelings and help them out when they least expect it.


4. Get to try and know yourself more
Overcoming a self image that’s negative can be done. The biggest enemy that you might ever endure in your lifetime is yourself. Try to know yourself better. When you start feeling negative about yourself or down then replace those thoughts with positive ones. Write a journal and learn more about yourself that way. Analyze why you might have those negative thoughts. Learn your limitations. Pray and mediate some more in order to figure out how you can overcome any negative self images that you might have.


3. Stop thinking negative
Thinking negative brings you down in so many ways and can totally destroy your self confidence. It doesn’t matter what kind of negative thought you’re having stop it in its tracks right away. Maybe you just woke up and already being hard on yourself for waking up late and having a lot of negative thoughts about the day. Well, stop it. Tell yourself it will be fine. Take deep breaths. See the day as a brand new day regardless of you waking up late. Today will be a great day. Say positive affirmations about the day and about yourself whenever you start to feel down or whenever you to start to think negative.


2. Refocus yourself on doing the things that you really like to do
When you don’t like something it can be hard to do it. Maybe it’s time for you to change and refocus on the things that you really enjoy doing. Are you doing in life what you really want to do? If not, come up with new goals to help you with being able to do the things that you love. Maybe you need to go and finish your degree in college so that way you can get a better job. Start making goals to do it. Once you are doing the things that you love and have a job that you really like, you’ll start to feel so much better about yourself.


1. Every day write down at least 3 things that you appreciate about yourself
Get into the habit of in the evening when the day is done; write down at least 3 things that you appreciate about yourself. Have an appreciation journal and review it each day. It might be hard to write down the things that you appreciate about yourself but the more you do it, the easier it will become and it will help your self-confidence in a lot of ways. When it’s near the end of the month go back and read all of those things that help you to feel better about yourself. It really is one of the best ways to boost up your self-esteem.


Building up your self confidence won’t happen overnight so don’t feel bad if you don’t see any results from doing these steps right away. You might also consider going to a therapist to help you with building up your self-esteem.