When you’re in a relationship with someone communication plays a big part as to rather or not your relationship will be successful or not. The lack of communication can destroy a couple or any relationship that you have with someone. Building a healthy relationship with communication is the key to success. A lot of people have problems with communicating properly. Maybe they got side tracked or just missed out on a chance to communicate with the other person. Whatever the reason, it could cause a series of problems to happen.

Check out these 10 Ways To Communicate Better In Your Relationship

10. Say the word “Please” More Often
If you’re use to being the boss or in command, saying the word “please” might be difficult for you to do and the other person might start to resent you in time. When you need some help around the house with chores or even with just wanting to do something with the other person ask them in a polite way and say “please” when you do. You don’t have to say please each time but saying it some can help with making the other person feel better.



9. Don’t demand for a change, instead request it
When you’re tired of seeing the same thing and might want a change, don’t demand for a change. Demanding for a change can cause arguments and a lot of resentful things to be said. Instead of demanding for a change, simply request it kindly and again say “please” when you do. Try to practice how you’re going to ask for a change before you do it to help make it easier for when you ask it. Look into the mirror and practice it. You’ll be amazed at what a difference it makes.

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8. Don’t put off discussing concerns and real issues
If things aren’t going the way they should be in your relationship then putting off talking to the other person about it might be a bad thing to do. The reason why is because you’re letting all of those emotions boil up inside and eventually they will blow and often times, blow when they shouldn’t. Try to calmly discuss how you feel about what’s happening and go over the issues that the two of you might be having and see if you can work it out together.



7. Learn to ask more questions instead of thinking you know it all
Admitting that you might not know it all could be a hard thing for you to do. Asking more questions ensures that you get the proper information that you need and it helps the other person to open up more. Maybe you already know the answer but if you ask them, you still might end up learning something about the other person that you did not already know.



6. Be careful on how you react to other people’s emotions
It’s important to allow other people to express their emotions. When they express them, be careful on how you react to it. People express their emotions differently. Some people express them with crying, others express their emotions by walking back and forth nervously. How you react to other people’s emotions is vital and can make or break the relationship instantly. If you see the other person is upset, just step back and let them work out their emotions without trying to react in a negative way to them. Don’t attack the person for expressing themselves when they might be upset or angry about something.

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5. Observe how the other person might be feeling
A lot of people make the mistake with thinking that because they might be happy in a relationship, the other person might be happy. Observe the other person. See how they might be really feeling in the relationship. Sometimes they might act happy on the outside but on the inside they could be miserable. Take some time out and listen to them if you feel that they are not happy in the relationship and let them open up towards you and you be open towards them.



4. Say exactly what you mean to say
If you’re upset about something or not happy in the relationship, say it and mean what you’re saying. Express yourself in such a way that’s honest but yet at the same time kind. Just because you’re saying what you mean to say, doesn’t mean that you have to say it in a mean way. If you want to change or feel a change is needed, then mean what you say about the change and don’t fall back on it.

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3. Focus on just one problem at a time
When you’re communicating with someone, don’t focus on several problems at once. This can get to be confusing for both people. Sometimes people even start to add in other problems just to cause a distraction from the main problem and this is all of the more reason as to why you should just focus on only one problem at a time. Write down the problems you want to discuss then check them off to prevent from talking about several at once but yet to cover everything.



2. Use the word “I” in statements instead of “You”
This might be a hard one to learn but try to get into the habit of saying “I” in some statements instead of the word “you”. Don’t say “YOU” made me very angry. Instead, say “I” felt very angry. Saying the word “You” makes the other person feel as if they need to defend themselves and that won’t help anyone. Practice with saying the word “I” in your sentences so it becomes easier when you’re talking to the other person.



1. Learn how to really listen to the other person
Turn off your cell phone. Stop glancing at the watch every few seconds and just focus completely on what the other person is saying. Distractions can cause you to not listen and could anger the other person a lot more. Not listening enough is the number one complaint that many people have. In the movie Hitch, Alex “Will Smith” gave some dating advice and said “When you’re in the room with them, be in the room with them.” They know when you’re not listening just like you know when someone is not listening to you. How does it make you feel when they don’t listen to you? Everyone appreciates it when the other person just simply listens to them, really listens to them.



Never be afraid to seek professional help or see a therapist about how you can improve on your relationship. Sometimes its better getting professional help from a therapist to help with making sure that things go over smoothly.