Sneezing can be extremely annoying. When you start sneezing sometimes it can be hard to stop. There might be several reasons as to why you sneeze. Some of it could be caused by allergies and other times it might be from mold, smoke, animal dander, pollen, dust or a variety of other irritants in the air that causes us to sneeze. Did you know that even cold weather or changes in the temperature and humidity can cause you to sneeze?
If you find yourself in that situation where you can’t stop sneezing then you might want to check out these 10 Unusual Home Remedies to Stop Sneezing.
10. Watch your diet and avoid certain foods
If you’re having a sneezing fit then throughout the day be careful with what you eat. Sometimes food can trigger your sneezing and make it worse. You’ll want to avoid having saturated fats, wheat and milk. All of these food items can cause inflammation and produce mucus. Food items which contain histamines in them such as dried fruits, and cheese should also be avoided. Instead eat food that contains a high source of vitamin C and E in it such as almonds or oranges. The reason why is because the antioxidants in these food items are powerful and can help with a runny nose or with sneezing.
9. Bitter Gourd
Bitter Gourd looks very much like a cucumber. However, it has bumps on it. Bitter Gourd is in the vegetable family and known as a melon. Bitter gourds come loaded with vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, foliate, magnesium and zinc in them. The best solution is to drink gourd tea or bitter melon tea. Another bonus with drinking gourd tea is that it can help with blood sugar management and prevent cancer.
8. Drape a towel over your head
A lot of people know that draping a towel over your head and breathing in steam can help with clearing up sinuses but did you know that it could also help to stop sneezing? The trick is that you’ll need to put either thyme or eucalyptus oil in a pot of boiling water. It clears out any mucus that might be excess. Have the heat down enough to wear it’s just gently steaming and not enough to burn yourself.
7. Boil fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seeds have properties in them that happen to be antiviral and healthy for you. They can provide almost instant relief when you’re sneezing. Fenugreek seeds helps with providing a soothing effect on your mucous membrane which relieves any irritation that you have. Boil around two to three teaspoons of fenugreek seeds. Let the content reduce by at least half. The mixture needs to be drained. Once drained drink it in small sips. You might need to do this around two or three times per day until the symptoms you have are cleared.
6. Drink Oil of Oregano
Oil of oregano has been used for generations to help with relieving sneezing and with fighting sinus problems. The reason why is because oil of oregano has anti-fungal properties along with anti-inflammatory properties and antiphrastic properties. What you’ll need to do is mix around two or three drops of oil in juice or either you can put it in milk or water. Oil of oregano can have a very extreme intense flavor and when it’s not diluted it can be dangerous. This oil can also help with clearing colds and sore throats.
5. Crush garlic cloves
Garlic can help to clear up upper respiratory infections and allergy or sinus problems. Garlic has powerful antiviral properties in it. You can get almost instant relief from sneezing when you do the garlic remedy. You’ll need to crush around four to five garlic cloves. Make a fine paste out of the cloves. Afterwards inhale the smell of the paste. In addition, add garlic to your diet daily.
4. Use a Neti Pot
One Ayurvedic technique that’s old is simply just using the neti pot. A neti pot can help with relieving runny noses and clear up sinus or allergy problems. You can buy a neti pot over the counter and follow the directions as to how to use them. It has a saline nasal solution in them which helps with stopping you to sneeze.
3. Consume some ginger
One remedy that’s extremely old and has been used for a long time is just too simply consume ginger. It’s extremely effective. All you need to do is consume around one to two teaspoons of ginger extract at least twice per day or until you’re no longer sneezing. You can also boil ginger by cutting it up into small slices, mixing it with some honey and drinking it as tea right before bedtime. This way you won’t sneeze at night.
2. Inhale peppermint oil
If your nose is stuffy and that’s the reason as to why you’re sneezing then inhaling peppermint oil can help to clear it up almost instantly. Peppermint oil has natural antibacterial properties in it that helps with clearing it up. First you’ll need to boil some water. Next add 5 drops of the peppermint oil in the bottled water. Put a towel over your head and breathe in the peppermint oil steam. Drinking peppermint tea can also help with clearing it up.
1. Increase your intake of black pepper
You can get almost instant relief from sneezing with pepper. Mix one half of a tablespoon of some pepper powder in lukewarm water. Drink it at least two or three times per day or until the sneezing stops. You can also gargle with the warm pepper water mix in order to get rid of germs or cold viruses. Add in black pepper to your salads and soups to help with increasing your intake of it while you’re sick.
When you’re sneezing a lot or not feeling good be sure to increase your water intake. Drinking teas such as chamomile and fennel can really help you to feel better.