out she’s completely the opposite of what you had hoped she would be? Do you try to end it early? Sometimes moments can get very awkward when you don’t know what to say. One way to break the ice is to say some unexpected funny questions. This will get both of you laughing and at the end, you might even find out that you have more in common with her then you thought you originally did.

10 Funny Questions To Ask A Girl On A Date

10. Do you think that the fish might get thirsty ever?
If you’re on a date with someone who loves animals this might cause a chuckle. It might even cause her to pull up her phone and search for the answer. We all know that fish needs water in order to survive. Without water, they won’t make it. We don’t know for sure if they drink water but in a way, they do get thirsty because of needing to be in the water. This question might also cause an interesting debate to happen between the two of you.



9. What’s your funniest childhood memory?
One way to break the ice is by getting them to talk about their funniest childhood memories. If the two of you go to college together or school, instead of asking what their funniest childhood memory might be, you can always ask them what their funniest school or college memory might be. You might even learn more about them as they share their funniest memories. However, be ready to also share some of your funniest memories. Maybe you can even pull out some funny pictures of yourself as a child or some funny school pictures that you have.

Three Children Sitting In Wheelbarrow


8. Have you ever kissed someone accidentally?
Wouldn’t you like to know if the person you are seeing has ever kissed someone by accident? What happened to make them kiss the other person by accident? Do they regret kissing that other person by accident? If you ask this question be ready to respond back. She might ask you the same thing. This could bring up a lot of laughs and red faces at the same time.



7. Do you sing in the shower?
I am sure that you’re curious to know if she sings in the shower. You could ask her what songs she likes and what she sings in the shower. If you sing in the shower then tell her what songs you like to sing. Maybe this might get the two of you in the mood to dance together. You could also demonstrate how you even sing in the shower to make things funnier.



6. What quirk do you have that is the funniest or weirdest?
All of us have quirks! Maybe her random quirk is just to burst out laughing when you don’t expect it. Maybe your quirk is to wear sunglasses all the time, even indoors. There are lots of quirks people have. You might not even think about it as a quirk until you ask her what her quirk is but again, this is another question you’ll need to be ready with sharing your quirks.



5. Are you ticklish?
This question can get you into trouble if she says yes and you tickle her. She may or may not like being tickled. It is good to know for the future if she is ticklish. You can ask her what her random tickle spots might be. You can gain her trust with saying you won’t tickle her at that time. However, you can let her know that you don’t know when for sure you’ll tickle her.



4. Can you do anything weird with a body part?
Some people can do weird things with their tongues. Other people might be able to do weird things with their legs or arms. It is a very good thing to know if she can do weird things with her body parts so it won’t freak you out completely at the time she does them. I always find it hilarious when people do weird things with their tongues. You might want to impress her with some of the weird things that you can also do with your body parts.



3. In the shower do you tend to use soap first or shampoo yourself?
If you want to ask her a completely random funny question then this one is it. She might even have to think about this question for a few seconds before answering. After she answers she might even wonder as to why you asked it.



2. When you take off your shoes, do you untie them?
This is something I think that most of us don’t even think about with our shoes. Either we get into a habit of throwing them off when we get home or we take a minute to untie them and put them away. Personally, I just love to throw mine off and then try hard to put them on with the shoes being tied.



1. Have you ever tasted electricity before?
Looking to spice up the funny conversation? You can then give her a kiss right after you ask about the electricity and asks her if she felt it. This is a great metaphor question. However, if you’re just doing this only to be funny then you might want to know that if you get hit with electricity you can expect to have a metallic taste in your mouth for a few seconds afterwards.



Just remember, whatever questions you ask, be prepared and know that she might also ask you the same ones. Be ready to give her answers when she does ask you.