Multiple sclerosis also known as MS often tends to start showing up between 20 to 40 years of age. Sometimes the symptoms start to get better but then recur again. It’s important to know the symptoms of multiple sclerosis so you can talk with your doctor and get the help you need for it. Working with your doctor is important that way you can manage the symptoms you might have. Being able to manage your symptoms will help you to stay alive and healthy. Here are the top 10 signs you may be getting MS.

10. Having strange sensations

A lot of people who have MS often times complain about a pins and needle feel or sensation. Other times it could be a burning sensation, itching, numbness, stabbing or even a tearing pain sensation. Over half of the people diagnosed with MS suffer with these sensations. The good news is, these sensations can be treated or either managed. This is another reason as to why it’s important to talk with your doctor about it.


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9. Being tired often

Around 80% of the people who suffer with MS struggle with fatigue. Sometimes people might experience a fatigue that is severe which might happen a couple of times during the week. It can get worse as the day goes on. This can also cause weak muscles and problems with concentration or thinking. You might even feel tired after a good rest at night.


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8. Numbness

Numbness might happen throughout the body. People with multiple sclerosis might experience it on their face, arms or their legs. This could cause problems when they walk. It could also cause problems when a person is trying to chew their food. If you are experiencing these it is vital to  go over the details with your doctor to see what all can be done to help with treating these symptoms.


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7. Problems with thinking

People who suffer with MS might have problems with thinking. This is for a number of reasons. Sometimes it’s caused by feeling fatigued and other times it might be caused by the pain felt throughout the body. When problems with thinking occur it can interfere with work and with making the right kinds of choices.


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6. Clumsiness

Multiple sclerosis might cause a lot of muscle spasms or either weakness. This can create problems with walking and create clumsiness. The feet might feel numb and that also might make it difficult to walk. Depending on how severe the clumsiness might be a person might have to use a walking stick so they won’t accidentally fall down.


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5. Dizziness

One common feeling with MS is that people might feel dizzy and sometimes lightheaded. Vertigo is often times not felt nor do you feel like the room might be spinning. You just simply feel lightheaded or dizzy. If you are feeling these symptoms be sure to tell the doctor because there is medication available which can help to relieve the dizziness.


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4. Vision and Eye Problems

One of the earliest symptoms of multiple sclerosis is vision problems. A person with MS might experience blurred vision, eye pain, double vision and sometimes even scotoma. Special glasses might be required depending on the problems the person might be having. Other times a prescription might be prescribed to help with reducing the eye problems.


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3. Bladder issues

There are a couple of ways in which people with MS might have bladder issues. Some might have problems with being able to empty their bladder or others might problems with an overactive bladder. People who have a hard time with using the bathroom might suffer more with infection or a bladder that is distended. Ones who have problems with using the bathroom often might feel like they have to always go but nothing happens when they use it.


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2. Constipation

Constipation is a very normal problem for people who have MS. One of the main reasons why is due to the fact that the muscles plus the nerves don’t move things throughout the system efficiently. MS patients are encouraged to drink more water to prevent constipation. Sometimes MS patients might also need to increase their fiber intake. Talking with a diet specialist might be one of the best things to do.


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1. Depression or mood swings

Depression or mood swings is a very common problem with people who struggle with MS. The reason why is because of the changes which occur in the body. People who have MS and their loved ones need to know and understand that the person is not damaged emotionally or crazy. Family therapy might be needed to help with understanding more about MS and what all a person might be suffering and the family can do to help with encouraging them.


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It’s important to get help right away if you think you might have MS (multiple sclerosis) . As you can now see, there really is a lot of treatment available that might help you to recover or reduce the symptoms of MS.