A lot of the spiders that we encounter are completely harmless even if they have a lot of poison in them. However, there are still some spiders that are very aggressive and extremely dangerous. It’s important to become familiar with what spiders you should avoid.

Check out these 10 deadly spiders:

10. The Mediterranean Black Widow also known as the Malmignatte.

The Mediterranean black widow can be found in the Mediterranean region and in central to Southwest Asia and even in Portugal. The bite from the black widow is extremely painful and in some cases, fatal. Farm workers in the Ukrainian region have experienced the bite from the black widow while working out in the fields. It has even killed camels in Kazakhstan. The color is black and it also has red spots but sometimes the spots can be either orange or yellow.


Photo Source: wikipedia.org

9. Yellow Sac Spider also known as the Cheiracanthium.

The Yellow Sac Spider lives in Japan, Northern Europe, Australia, India, and in Southern Africa. This spider is not very venomous but it can cause infections and leave lesions. The bite will be painful and it’s important to get treatment right away because of the infections that can occur. The color of the Yellow Sac Spider varies from beige to mainly yellow.


Photo Source: wikipedia.org

8. The Mouse Spider

The Mouse Spider can be found in Australia and Chile. Mouse Spiders are black and their diet is mainly bandicoots, wasps, scorpions and a variety of other smaller animals. Mouse spiders can be compared to the trapdoor spider because of it living in the burrows with trapdoors that are covered. The male spider is the one that normally wanders around looking for a mate while the female mouse spider stays in the burrows.


Photo Source: wikipedia.org

7. The Brown Recluse Female Spider

The Brown Recluse female spider is a very dangerous spider that lives in the USA. The only good news about this spider is that it’s very timid and not aggressive. The color of the Brown Recluse is not only light brown but can be shades of gray and even a dark colored brown. It can grow up to around 2 cm long. This spider has 6 eyes and that’s considered to be very abnormal for spiders. The Brown Recluse only lives in the USA and mainly in the south part of the USA. They like to hide in boxes and mail boxes. The Brown Recluse is a cannibal spider and they also eat other soft bodied insects such as flies or moths. During the day time they usually hide and not aggressive, only at night do they come out to eat and might attack a person unless if their sleep is disturbed during the daytime. Terrible infections can happen from this spider and sometimes, death.


Photo Source: wikipedia.org

6. Fringed Ornamental Tarantula

The Fringed Ornamental Tarantula is a very venomous spider. Their fangs are large and just one bite can cause a great deal of harm, pain and even death. They move extremely fast and while they don’t mind a fight, they try to only attack if someone disturbs them. The spider can be found mainly in Southeastern India. The color of the Fringed Ornamental Tarantula tends to black and yellow. The leg span of this spider can exceed over 7 inches.


Photo Source: wikipedia.org

5. Chinese Bird Spider

The Chinese Bird Spider is found mainly in Vietnam and China. This spider is also known as the Earth Tiger. The one good thing about this spider is that it mainly lives in the tropical rain forest. It eats crickets, cockroaches and also mice. It can be aggressive and when it is disturbed, the spider can bite. The color of the Chinese Bird Spider varies from black to dark brown.


Photo Source: staticflickr.comg

4. Redback Spider

The Redback Spider is found mainly in Australia and they are black and have a red stripe that goes down on their back. Before there was antivenom available, around 14 people died from this spider. Other people suffered severe symptoms including infections, fever, headache and even tremors. The Redback Spider can eat big animals and also lizards and even king crickets. The Redback Spider is more active during the summer.


Photo Source: wikipedia.org

3. Sydney Funnel-Web

The Sydney Funnel-Web spider is one of the most venomous spiders on earth. Their fangs are large and they deliver a full amount of venom and will never release a dry bite. When they feel threatened they will attack many times and more likely to bite instead of run. A child died once after an attack from the Sydney Funnel-Web and was dead within just 15 minutes. However, that was before antivenom was available for this spider. The Sydney Funnel-Web can be both black and brown. It can eat lizards, frogs and a variety of other insects.


Photo Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney_funnel-web_spider

2. Six-Eyed Sand Spider

The Six-Eyed Sand Spider lives in South Asia and Africa. It’s extremely venomous and is even more powerful then the Brown recluse. One good thing about the Six-Eyed Sand Spider is that it tries to avoid humans and it’s not as aggressive like other spiders. It generally tends to run when it feels threatened. It’s very uncommon for the Six-Eyed Sand Spider to bite a human but if the spider does a bite a human then the human can die or suffer from serious infections because of the spider being so venomous.


Photo Source: arachnipedia.wikia.com

1. The Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Guinness World Records named the Brazilian Wandering Spider the most venomous spider in the entire world. It is aggressive when it feels threatened. Permanent impotence can happen when a person is bitten by this spider and death. Humans have died from this spider bite even if venom was not injected into the human. The Brazilian Wandering Spider is found in the tropical parts of South and Central America. They usually only come out at night to hunt and they rest during the day time.


Photo Source: wikipedia.org


Whenever bitten by a spider, it’s vital to seek medical help right away. You might not even think that the spider was dangerous but it can still cause harm or an infection. Don’t delay receiving treatment for a spider bite.