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bisky on 24th Aug

Introduction Florida is the leading watermelon producer in the nation, followed by Georgia, Texas and California, according...

bisky on 08th Aug

Pendleton is  becoming a tourist town and advertising is an important method of enticing visitors to the city. Utilizing...

bisky on 28th Jul

In today’s society you’ll find that people of all ages including children and adults love video games. Studies show that...

bisky on 09th Jan

10 – Colonel Sanders This is certainly a very clever advertising stunt on an enormous scale by KFC. Imagine what the...

bisky on 16th Dec

Check out these Top 10 Totally Failed Record Attempts . You’ll be amazed at what some people to do in order to try...

bisky on 16th Dec

Is it possible to become rich while doing pretty much nothing while avoiding the typical 9 to 5? The answer is yes and we...

bisky on 09th Dec

Here is our list of the Top 10 of America’s Most Haunted Houses, which are guaranteed to send a few shivers down your spine....

bisky on 01st Dec

Is it possible to become rich while doing pretty much nothing while avoiding the typical 9 to 5? The answer is yes and we...

bisky on 20th Nov

 With a Little Motivation These Tips Could Change Your Life There is no person in the world who will never want to be fit. However, fitness comes at a cost. But the main question here is that to what levels are willing you to go in order to be fit. The tips I will be sharing with you will need to be followed in a strategic manner. Moreover, you will...

bisky on 18th Nov

Long distance relationships are often tough and difficult to maintain. As more and more couples find themselves stuck in...

bisky on 07th Nov

The universe is a pretty cool place to live in. We have some awesome things going for us like gravity and a bunch of other...

bisky on 02nd Nov

Photo Source: If you’ve ever been lucky or unlucky enough to work for the film industry, you’ve probably...

bisky on 20th Oct

We’ve already covered the top ten trailblazing animated series, but it’s time to take a look at some of the voices behind...

bisky on 14th Oct

Japan has mastered the art of the animated serial, but here in the west, we’ve produced some pretty awesome pieces of art...

bisky on 10th Oct

Top Ten Best Creepypastas on the Internet Everybody likes a good urban legend, and there are plenty of them on the net. They’re...

bisky on 05th Oct

Ants are an incredibly diverse type of insect. They’re actually descended from wasps and are related to bees as well. They’re...